About Low GI

Let’s Understand Glycemic Index in Simple Language

Let’s look at the science behind how our bodies convert carbohydrates into sugars. It’s conducive to the body if the foods that we eat convert into sugars as slowly as possible. That’s what exactly happens with low GI food as they convert into sugar at a very low pace in our bodies, protecting us from the fluctuations in blood sugar levels. With a carefully crafted selection of low-GI foods like Fit Crop Rice, you can indulge in delicious meals that convert into sugar at a minimal pace, allowing you to eat the food you love without compromising on your health.

Glycemic Index Metrics

The lower the GI, the more our body welcomes it. It’s as simple as that! 






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Take Charge of Diabetes

Fit Crop's Low GI Rice is a game-changer for Indian families, especially those who got accustomed to eating white rice from their childhood and are struggling to manage their diabetes effectively. With its low glycemic index, this rice variety ensures a slow and steady release of sugars into the bloodstream. By welcoming our Low GI Rice into your meals, you can maintain stable blood sugar levels, making it easier to take control of your diabetes. Enjoy the delicious taste of rice while keeping your blood sugar in check with Fit Crop's Low GI Rice.

Tackle Obesity

Achieving weight management goals becomes more attainable with Fit Crop's Low GI Rice. The nature of this low GI rice is such that it digests very slowly and helps you feel full for a longer time and thus helps in not gaining unnecessary weight. By incorporating our Low GI Rice into your diet, you can promote portion control and create a sustainable approach to weight loss. So get a permanent solution to the constant struggle of battling hunger cravings and embrace Fit Crop's Low GI Rice as a valuable tool in your journey to tackle obesity.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

There is a misconception that Low GI rice is meant for only diabetes patients. But the truth is it can help each and every one of your family live a healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, it can be a boon for those who are in the pre-diabetic stage. As we all know, prevention is better than cure, and that’s why it’s crucial to make healthy habits before things go out of hand. Packed with essential nutrients, fiber, and a low glycemic index, our rice supports balanced and sustained energy levels throughout the day. By opting for Fit Crop’s Low GI Rice, you can fuel your body with a wholesome and nutritious option that aligns perfectly with your healthy living goals.

My mother has been under medication for diabetes for more than seven years. She used to face a lot of trouble by not being able to eat brown rice properly. I did hit her mental health drastically. Thanks to Fit Crop’s low GI diabetic-friendly rice. She is now happily eating her favorite food and is fit both physically and mentally.

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